Holistic Women's Health • Chronic Stress Anxiety

One of the most common symptoms of anxiety is fatigue.


Because anxiety is exhausting.

It’s like that annoying guest at your cousin Jenny’s wedding who wouldn’t stop talking (she even followed you to the bathroom “like besties.” Oh the fun!).

But unlike the wedding situation, the reason you’re feeling anxious isn’t always as obvious.

In fact, the stories your mind is telling you usually distract from the real reason you’re experiencing anxiety.

And given all the dead ends and seedy back alleyways you’re being lured down, it’s no wonder you’re anxious and fatigued.

Still, if you want to heal anxiety and fatigue, you’ve got to figure out what’s actually going on.

And whatever you think is making you anxious is usually the symptom, not the cause.

There are at least 5 root causes of anxiety.

But one of the most overlooked causes of anxiety is being out of sync with nature’s energetic rhythms.

Because nature works in cycles.

And people like to pretend that every hour of the day, time of the month, and season is the same.

Newsflash: They’re definitely not.

You might want to work into the wee hours of the night, but at some point, you’re going to need to rest or you risk putting milk in the cupboard and cereal in the fridge.

If you act like every moment has the same energy, it’s like you’re trying to sweat the same amount climbing up a mountain as you do coming down.

Sure, you can pretend the mountain is flat all you want, but you’re going to get really frustrated walking uphill if you do.

When you acknowledge the existence of gravity, you won’t beat up on yourself as much, wondering why it takes so much more out of you when you’re going uphill.

And you wonder why you’re feeling anxious and fatigued?

It’s this struggle against nature’s energetic rhythms that leads to anxiety and fatigue.

Acknowledge the existence of energetic cycles and you’ll feel better from the bottom of the mountain to the top, and back down again.

Plus, your milk won’t go sour on you.

Once you know when nature’s energy is low, you can design your lifestyle around it so you rest when you need to and can ride the wave when nature’s wind is pushing you to the top.

There are specific times when nature’s energy is low.

These are when you want to rest and gather up your inner resources.

The best times to rest are nighttime (obvi), winter, during the new moon (when the moon is dark), and during the bleeding phase of your menstrual cycle (if you happen to be a menstruating woman).

These are the times when energy is moving in and down and you’ll have to work 10 times harder if you try to push yourself up against it.

Instead of workouts that make your sweat-rag drip, opt for a relaxing walk around a lake or strength-building yoga.

Go to bed within 3 hours of sundown if you can.

Take more bubble baths.

Feel free to nap.

And whatever you do, don’t push yourself past your energetic limit, because that’s what’s going to lead to anxiety and fatigue.

When you give yourself time to replenish your inner reserves, you’ll feel as powerful as Oprah
when nature’s energy moves back up and out.

And nature’s energy always moves back up and out.

It starts building right after it reaches its lowest point.

Energy is highest around noon, the beginning of summer, when there’s a full moon, and during the ovulation phase of your menstrual cycle.

So if you want to run a marathon, have a party, or power through a project, those are the best times to be active.

The more you follow nature’s rhythms, the more you flow.

And the more you flow, the less anxious and fatigued you feel.

Want to learn more ways to calm anxiety and harness your inner superpowers?

Then click here to download your (FREE) Bliss Kit and learn how to rewire your brain for more happiness.






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