Holistic Women's Health • Chronic Stress Anxiety

Inner Peace: The Secret is Hidden Under Your Expectations

Inner Peace: The Secret is Hidden Under Your Expectations

The secret to inner peace is hidden under your expectations. I started my clinic practice the same year I had my first baby, and had big expectations for both. If you asked me how I thought it was going to go, I would have smiled broadly and told you in full...
The Hidden Message in Negative Emotions

The Hidden Message in Negative Emotions

There is a hidden message in your negative emotions. And once you understand this hidden message, your negative emotions will transform all on their own. Nothing will ever feel overwhelming or unbearable again. You will never be angry again. You will never be anxious...
Let Go of Negative Thoughts with These 3 Questions

Let Go of Negative Thoughts with These 3 Questions

One of the best ways to let go of negative thoughts is to question them. This article will show you how. You have thousands, maybe millions of negative thoughts every day. Most of these negative thoughts are subconscious, meaning you don’t even realize you’re having...
5 Steps to Turn a Bad Day Around

5 Steps to Turn a Bad Day Around

It was going to be a really bad day, but I managed to turn it around. Here’s how. I’m writing this at 5 a.m. Not because I’m super disciplined. Not because I’m so excited about my work that I wake up early to do it (I am super excited about my...
How to Stop Negative Thoughts

How to Stop Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts are, by definition, a huge bummer. They literally dictate how you feel. And what’s worse is that most of the time you don’t have any control over them. There you are, all happy-go-lucky, minding your own beeswax, and BAM! In prances a negative...

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