Hello, Welcome!

I’m so glad you’re here.

Because we’re at a pivotal moment in human history.

We are overstimulated and undernourished. Our exposure to stressors is at an all-time high.

Meanwhile, our bodies are still wired for the slower pace of tribal life out in the wild.

Circumstances aren’t going to get any easier, so your only choice —if you want to feel better— is to work on yourself.

A good place to start is to learn how to identify and heal the root causes of stress, anxiety, and physical symptoms of imbalance.

There is no “right” way to do this. Everyone’s path is unique, and different strategies work for different people at different times in their lives. But what is universal is that mind, body, and spirit all have to be involved in order to heal.

My work and this website are here to help you find the strategies that will work for you.

About This Work

With almost two decades of training and practice, I combine the mind-body-spirit wisdom from ancient healing modalities,— including Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and Western herbalism,— with modern scientific research in psychology, neurology, physiology, and nutrition to help people heal the root causes of stress, anxiety, and associated symptoms.

Because the mind and body are parts of the same whole, you won’t just feel better emotionally. You’ll also find help with stress-associated physical symptoms —like chronic pain, headaches, digestive distress, menstrual irregularity, hormone imbalance, and sleep disturbances—here too.

Next Steps:

1. Download your (free) copy of the Bliss Kit.

Learn 4 life-changing strategies to help you cultivate more ease, joy, and inner peace in your life.

2. Educate yourself.

Explore the blog and connect with me on social media to learn more about the root causes of stress, anxiety, and other related physical symptoms.

3. Take action.

Book a 1-on-1 session and start getting personalized holistic health and wellness support.

The world needs more people like you, who are willing to step up and do the inner work that is necessary in order to heal.

It can be challenging, but you can navigate life’s hurdles with more ease and grace,—when you have the right support. I hope my work and this website can offer that to you.


Thank you for being here ❤

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