Holistic Women's Health • Chronic Stress Anxiety

5 Spring Health Tips

5 Spring Health Tips

5 Spring Health Tips to Support Your Mind and Body The weather has a bigger impact on mental and physical health than most people realize. So when patients come to see me in clinic, especially during seasonal transitions, we almost always talk about dietary and...
5 Winter Wellness Tips from Traditional Natural Medicine

5 Winter Wellness Tips from Traditional Natural Medicine

5 Winter Wellness Tips from Traditional Natural Medicine In Chinese medicine, winter solstice marks the most yin moment of the year. Energy has been moving in and down all autumn and it reaches the lowest point as the cold sets in. The leaves have fallen off the trees...
5 Natural Strategies to Support Healthy Digestion

5 Natural Strategies to Support Healthy Digestion

5 Natural Strategies to Support Healthy Digestion As a Chinese medicine practitioner and nutrition teacher, I’m a firm believer in what is called the “Earth School”. The Earth School was founded about 1000 years ago by a physician named Li Dong-Yuan, who...
Signs You Need to Do a Cleanse

Signs You Need to Do a Cleanse

Signs You Need to Do a Cleanse According to traditions like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, your wellbeing is dependent on how well your body can balance out what’s happening around you. For example, when the weather is hot, you stay healthy by keeping yourself...

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