Thank You, Here’s Your Food Journal!


You’re about to feel so much healthier, more energized, and balanced.

And I, for one, I can’t wait to see what an impact this food journal is going to have on you!

Click here to download your free printable food journal now.

And no worries if you can’t get to it right away.

I’ll be shooting you an email in just a little bit with another copy.

But first, I’d be over-the-moon grateful if you’d do 2 quick things for me right now:

1. Add Me

Please add to your address book (or “Personal” folder if you have Gmail) right now.

Because I’ve got a few more goodies lined up for you to help you feel healthier and more balanced, and you’re not going to want to miss any of them (especially if you’re an ambitious mama!)


2. Share the Love!

Take a quick picture of your food journal in an Instagram story and tag me @KaterinaBaratta.

I can’t wait to connect with you!

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