According to the quiz,
Your Mind-Body Type is Dominated by Dampness
Enter your name + email to download the Best Foods for Your Mind-Body Type guide (for free)
And learn the exact foods to eat to drain what bogs you down
so you can feel better in mind, body, and spirit, more often.

Thank you so much for taking the Best Foods for Your Mind-Body Type Quiz!
My name is Katerina Baratta, LAc, MS, and I specialize in holistic mental health.
I created the Best Foods for Your Mind-Body Type Quiz so you could learn how to keep your mind, body, and spirit balanced
Because mental health is rooted in the body.
And one of the most under-recognized causes of stress and anxiety is an issue in the diet.
But while most people know the basics when it comes to eating healthy, they don’t know how to customize their diet according to the imbalances that pop up in their unique body.
And that’s what I’m going to share with you in this guide.
The information you’ll find in this guide is based on ancient wellness principles from traditions around the world.
The basic premise is simple.
Everyone is born with a dominant direction of imbalance (DDI): hot, cold, damp, or dry, or a combination (hot and damp, cold and dry, etc.)
When all 4 directions are in balance, you feel great in your body and the best aspects of your personality shine.
Want to feel as energized as an Olympic athlete?
As engaged as Einstein?
As compassionate as the Dalai Lama?
Keeping your mind and body balanced is a great place to start.

But when your DDI takes over, you feel cruddy and can’t show up for life the way you want to.
This is pretty obvious, right?
If you constantly have a headache and foggy brain, for example, you’re going to have a harder time being as motivated, curious, and kind as you want to.
But once you know your DDI, you’re empowered to take charge of your well-being in ways you never imagined.
And a great place to start is to learn which foods to eat to keep your unique mind-body type balanced.
This guide will show you how.
I can’t wait to see where this takes you!

Enter your name + email to download the Best Foods for Your Mind-Body Type guide (for free)
And learn the exact foods to eat to keep your mind and body balanced.